Glen Allen Day
See you in fall 2022!!
Crump Park
3400 Mountain Road
Glen Allen, Virginia.
Parade at 9:30 AM
We are pleased to be attending Glen Allen Day 2022! We look forward to seeing some old friends from pervious years, and make some new friends this year! Come by our booth for a free gift and learn how to use an allergy auto injector.
This year, we will have a special raffle and fun activities for kids! You don't want to miss it!
April 2017
We are pleased to share this informative video that Faedadal took part in thanks to Henrico County Public Television!

(Running time: 18 minutes)
For some people, food choices are a matter of life and death. Allergic reactions to certain foods can arise suddenly, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Join HCTV as they talk to people coping with food allergies, medical professionals and parents of children with the condition.
The following video was produced by Henrico County Public Television.
This and other programs can be viewed on their website at:
Glen Allen Day 2016

Thanks to everyone who came out!
We had a great time talking with our community at Glen Allen Day 2016. Thank you to everyone that came out to talk about or learn something new about food allergens. We look forward to seeing more of you at our next event!